Why People Fail In Other Programs


A) When you join a traditional home-based business selling a product or service, immediately you'll find stiff competition. What happens in these programs is that you are given a replicated website that you can advertise to the world. But what they fail to tell you is that 99% of those replicated websites don't work. As a web-based society, we are so immune to these sites, they simply don't work effectively.

B) There is not only competition from others in that same business, but extremely skilled "marketing gurus", and these gurus don't use replicated sites. They build their own! That's the hidden secret that your company won't tell you. And your sponsor won't tell you. And no other team member will tell you. By the time YOU or anyone else figures this secret out, it's too late. You're either broke or burned out.

C) At this time, you must go onto the internet with your replicated site (99% chance of failure) and attempt to drive traffic to it. Well, how are you going to that? In order to be successful in product-based programs, you must have AT LEAST 150 people coming to your website every single day. Do you have any idea how incredibly difficult that can be? Unless you spend thousands of dollars, and months and years learning Internet Marketing, you will find it very hard to achieve that goal.

D) Suppose you join a very successful sponsor that makes a ton of money each month. Do you REALLY think they are going to give you all their secrets when they have sweated it for years and spent thousands of dollars, just to GIVE it to you for free? Of course, they aren't! At the very most, they will give you some very generic training to make it appear like they're helping you, but in this scenario, no successful sponsor in the world is going to reveal to you how they "really" do it. They don't have the time to train you and aren't giving anyone their "secrets" when they have been through the "home-based grinder" to figure things out.

E) In the event you get lucky and have a few stragglers visit your website, the first thing they're going to want to know is "how well you are doing?" And when they find out that you're a rookie or beginner to the industry, what do you think they will do next? That's easy: they will go to Google, type in the name of your company and find a "guru" making tons of money. You see, they want to work with a winner, not a beginner. So the "guru" that has spent thousands and figured out all the secrets, continues to make more money from beginners like you! They should be happy with the free traffic you're sending their way, which is actually costing you money. Sounds fair, huh? Not at all.

In our activity, all we do is return short calls to people that have requested information, and direct them to an information call at a time that works for them. That's it! We never have to worry about building our own website. We never have to worry about driving traffic to our website each day. We never have to worry about "untold secrets" that someone might be hiding from us. And we never have to worry about our prospect going to Google to shop around for another inviter, since we are not broadly advertised. Everyone learns about this activity by way of a one-on-one personal invitation.


If you don't remember anything about other home-based programs, remember this: Systems work, people fail. If you have a great system that is easily duplicated, you'll have many success stories. If you have a great system that isn't easy to duplicate, you'll have mostly failures. It's truly that simple. When evaluating any program, you must ask your sponsor WHAT is required in order to achieve success. And 99% of these programs are designed for you to FAIL.


MLM stands for Multi-Level Marketing. MLM is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. So in order to be successful, you must build and recruit a huge downline. The majority of your compensation will hinge on the efforts of others and their ability to recruit. The only people that succeed in this model are the "fat cats" at the top making all the money off the "small people" at the bottom. Hence the 98% failure rate.

Website Creation

As you may already know, the internet has millions and millions of "make money from home" websites. And this type of advertising changes every single day. What "might" work for you today, will not tomorrow. You MUST constantly change and learn new techniques all the time in order to have success. That also includes building your own website to "stand out from the crowd". That CANNOT be duplicated by most people.

Product Expert

In order to sell your product successfully, you must become a product expert. That consists of convincing your prospect why your product is far superior to all others available all over the Internet. In reality, most people don't join a home based program because they are "in love" with the product. They simply want the end result of selling that product, which is the money. That being said, if you can't learn to become an expert of your product, you will not succeed. Being a product expert CANNOT be duplicated by most people.

In our proven system, the only thing that is required is to return calls to people that want to generate cash and send them to a 30-minute information call. That's it. And that CAN be duplicated by most people. When you have a system like this, you have MANY success stories!


Ask yourself this simple question: "Would I rather sell an overpriced and overhyped product, or would I rather have the end result of all those efforts which is the money?" If you're like most people, you simply want the money! Did you know that approximately 96% of people that join a product-based program NEVER even use the product themselves? They simply want the money that comes from selling the product. That clearly shows that most people would rather NOT sell a product.

However, if you still want to join a product based program, ask your potential sponsor the following question: "If I join your program selling XYZ product, how do I convince others that our product is better than the thousands of others on and off the internet today?" Pay very close attention to their answer. DO NOT ALLOW that person to "beat around the bush" with their answer, and tell you all the other things their program offers. Otherwise, you will soon find yourself in the "convincing" business, and all of us know that's not fun at all. Unfortunately, the people that join product-based programs quickly find out how much intense competition there truly is. What does this mean to you? It means it's very unlikely you will ever make a sale. However, there is ONE exception to that rule: If you are willing and able to become an expert for that product, AND you are willing and able to become an expert internet marketer.

Two independent IOHBE polls were conducted recently and the results were astounding. The first poll was conducted in 2006 and the follow-up poll was conducted in 2010. The poll asked 1000 home-based business owners the following question:

2006 Poll

Q: How often do you actually use the product you are currently selling?

a) At least once a week;

b) Regularly, but less than twice/month;

c) Less than every other month;

d) Rarely, if at all.

A: 2% answered (A), 1% answered (B), 4% answered (C), 93% answered (D)

2010 Poll

Q: How often do you actually use the product you are currently selling?

a) At least once a week;

b) Regularly, but less than twice/month;

c) Less than every other month;

d) Rarely, if at all.

A: 1% answered (A), 1% answered (B), 2% answered (C), 96% answered (D)

So what conclusions can you draw from this poll? Well, not only do the vast majority of home-based business owners not even USE their product they're selling, but this scenario has increased in the latest poll. Not only is that quite sad, but it's quite telling. It tells you that over 96% of people wish there was some legal way to generate money without selling a product, but don't know such a program exists. Until now.

In our private activity, there is no product where we have to compete with thousands of competitors. It's the only system of its kind where a simple 30-minute phone call does the all the explaining for us.


Most all home-based programs (except ours) are driven and run by management. Part of such managements' responsibility is to increase profits, open new marketing outlets, differentiate their product, and add new recruits. With all these responsibilities, comes an array of hurdles, which in many ways include constantly changing the pay structure of the program. And most times, it's not in the favor of the distributor. There have been tens of thousands of people that have built sizable businesses (which took years), and suddenly overnight found their compensation reduced to zero. Furthermore, the retention rate for these companies has been less than 2% for the last 20 years. Yes, sadly, over 98% of customers leave within 2 months of joining. That being said, over 70% of home based companies fail altogether within the first 3 years of business. Even if a company has been around a long time, the only way a person can be truly successful is if they get in at the "right time", and that product is far superior to all others in the marketplace.

In regards to training and support, most home-based programs have some sort of back office training after you join. These back offices include various links on how to get started, how to advertise, how to set up your website, etc. However, where most programs lack support is in their LIVE training. Most programs will simply direct you to the back office for you to learn the material on your own. Once in the back office, you MUST learn how to become an expert with your product, and must learn how to convince others that your product is far superior to all others. Furthermore, if you don't join a program where LIVE training is available on a regular on-going basis, you will have an extremely difficult time seeing success within that program.

In our activity, we do not have management that controls the success or failure of any of our participants. We are a private organization and work together to achieve independent financial freedom. Furthermore, we have LIVE member-only calls 5 days/week at Noon Eastern. The LIVE training calls are recorded each day for your convenience.

Still have questions? Call your inviter