Is This For You?

If you answer YES to any of these statements, this activity is NOT for you

You like to chase your family and friends.

You like to attend meetings or conferences.

You like to convince people to join your program.

You like to wait months or years to see real results.

You like to earn a fraction of the sale of your product.

You like to work for a company that may ultimately fail.

You like to sell products that people don't need or want.

You like to convince why your product is better than all others.

You like to directly compete with very skilled Internet marketers.

If you answer YES to any of these statements, this activity IS for you

You like the idea of helping others.

You like the idea of simply returning phone calls.

You like the idea of no selling, explaining or chasing.

You like the idea of no company to manipulate the system.

You like the idea of receiving cash money to your front door.

You like the idea of not convincing your family and friends to join.

You like the idea of everyone having an equal chance of succeeding.

You like the idea of generating a significant amount of money quickly.

You like the idea of receiving immediate 100% of the cash coming to you for life.