
You may be asking, "Is this legal?", and in fact, this might be the most important question on your mind, especially if you're finding out about our activity for the first time. Because of its amazing potential to create incredible wealth, this is certainly the first thing our participants wanted to know as well, because integrity is paramount.

While researching this activity, it's imperative that you keep in mind there's nothing verbal or written that tells us what IS legal, only laws which state what IS NOT legal.

Research online and you'll find there's no governmental or legal documentation stating that giving a cash gift is illegal. What you'll discover, sadly enough, is people expressing their own opinions that are not based on legitimate facts. Can you find anyone who can show you a law, in black and white, stating receiving or giving a cash gift is illegal? No, because there are no such laws.

As a matter of fact, both American and Canadian citizens have the Constitutional right to gift property, cash and other assets, as do citizens of many other countries. In the United States, for example, we have the Preamble, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights to protect each private citizen's rights to earn, pay taxes and give away property (including money) as long as it's done according to the laws and codes of this country. In the United States of America, the law states that one or more individuals can give a cash gift to another individual up to $13,000 each calendar year without any tax liability to either the giver or receiver of the gift, because the tax on the gift has already been paid. Keep in mind, with our activity, our highest single gift given or received is $3500, well within the guidelines.

In addition, our activity requires each participant to complete a Gifting Statement and a Non-Solicitation Form, both of which, when signed, become legally binding agreements between two willing individuals. These forms are in place to enforce the longevity and legality of the activity.

All of this affirms that giving a gift of cash to someone (be it a friend, family member or a stranger) is 100% legal and ethical.

With that being said, it's important to note that not all organized giving programs are legal in their structure. You see, organized gifting has been going on for centuries. Unfortunately, there are still some old school programs out there (many offline, incidentally) that are not structured properly in order to sustain their efforts for any considerable length of time, and some of them use an illegal pyramid type of structure. Consequently, many of these types of programs in the past were closed by the federal government because of this illegal, ever-widening base, pyramid structure.

Some people, having heard about those, have misconceptions about the gifting concept in general. However, in recent years, with the creation and development of the linear 1-up structure which we utilize, things have changed, and more and more people are benefiting through the use of this structure than with any other cash gifting structure in the world.

With our linear “person-to-person” activity, there are no fancy sounding positions to sell, there is no “fat cat” at the top, and there is no ever-widening base to the structure. This is in deep contrast to what is found in a typical illegal pyramid, where only those at the top profit, while those at the bottom never reach the top and invariably lose their money.

Instead, our private, by-invitation-only activity is a fair and level playing field for ALL participants, based on the simple “pay-it-forward” principle of sowing and reaping. Consider yourself blessed to have been introduced to it.